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Our Staff
The Rev. Charlie Pratt
Stated Supply Pastor

Charlie has been the stated supply pastor at McCarter Presbyterian Church since April 2020. A native of North Carolina,  he settled in the Upstate when he transferred from active duty to the U.S. Navy Reserve.  He is a 2017 graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Charlotte campus and was ordained a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2018.  After 17 years working for General Electric, Charlie is now a Certified Clinical Chaplain (CCC) with the National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains (NAVAC), having completed residency training at the Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville, Prisma Health's Marshall Pickens Mental Hospital and at Greenville Memorial Hospital.  He is an Eagle Scout, a Naval Academy graduate and a former Chair for the Turbine Credit Union Board of Directors.  
   During Charlie's career wearing Navy blue, he qualified in both submarines and surface ships.  As a mobilized Navy Reservist in 2005 during Operation Iraqi Freedom, he served as Intelligence Officer, Communications Officer, Morale Officer and Liaison Officer for the First Navy Customs Battalion, the first Navy unit created to assume combat zone duties previously assigned to Army, Air Force and Marine Corps military police units.
   Charlie and his wife, Heather, have been married over twenty years and they have been blessed with two wonderful daughters, Meg (14) and Beth (12).

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