March 22, 2020
Scripture John 9:24-38
So for the second time they called the man who had been blind, and they said to him, “Give glory to God! We know that this man is a sinner.” He answered, “I do not know whether he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”
John 9:24-25 NRSV
As Jesus and the disciples were walking through the city of Jerusalem, Jesus created a “teaching moment” on the power of God. He healed someone who had been blind since birth. Furthermore, Jesus did this to prove the power of God and to raise the conversation of the disciples from the origins of sin to the greater good of serving others, along with having the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, among them.
The core of our faith should lead us along this same path. As Presbyterians, we understand that we never fully escape from sin. Regardless, we look to God for forgiveness, and rely on God’s grace to provide it. Like the blind man who was given the great gift of vision for the first time, we turn to God in gratitude for this gift of forgiveness which we receive through Jesus Christ. Then, like the blind man, we live a new life which we offer in gratitude for God’s love for us.
Instead of dwelling on sin, God calls us to open our eyes and to live in joyful response to forgiveness. Jesus brings that new light of grace and gratitude into our living. In this season of Lent, live joyfully and look for ways to express your joy to others for the many ways that God has provided for each one of us.
Stan Reid